Unite the underprivileged poor people through formation of small groups

Increase child education especially female education ratio through establishing non-formal primary schools

Children of disaster prone areas distorts to a great extent during the natural disasters. This critical issue in terms of future cohort carefully observes by GUS and initiates child centers in prior spots. At the same time, child protection and their development are cross cutting themes that GUS incorporated into all of its activities.

  • Unite the underprivileged poor people through formation of small
  • Increase child education especially female education ratio through establishing non-formal primary schools
  • Improve health, sanitation and hygiene practice of the community people
  • Empower women and adolescent girls through training, workshops and courtyard sessions about basic rights, family law enabling them to raise voice against violence and discrimination.
  • Improve skill of women through training, workshops and sessions enhancing knowledge to practice different IGAs with males
  • Improve agricultural production through transferring modern technology and bring changes in food habit to reduce Malnutrition
  • Strengthen disaster preparedness to reduce sufferings and loss of properties during disasters and respond to humanitarian need during disasters.

GUS is a non-Governmental, non-profitable volunteer organization established in 1991 with some like-minded social activists of the region from different academic discipline.

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