What We Do

Our Mission and Vission


GUS believes in sustainable livelihoods development of the poor that can be achieved through long-term and holistic approaches of program implementations. Poverty reduction process can be enhanced through strengthening the capacity of local government, non-governmental organization and civil society organizations.


GUS envisions a sustainable, empowered, and pluralistic Bangladesh where human rights are protected, poor lives in dignity, peace, and hope, and where everyone has access to health-care, education, and all necessary public services.


Improve livelihood options of the poor people through empowering and ensuring participation of women into income generation and development activities.

Eliminating Etreme Poverty

  • Ultra-poor graduation
  • Integrated development
  • Expanding Financial Choices

  • Microfinance
  • Employable skills for decent work

  • Skills development MigrationSkills development
  • Migration
  • Climate change and emergencies

  • Climate change
  • Disaster risk management
  • Gender equality

  • Gender justice and diversity
  • Community empowerment
  • Human rights and legal aid services
  • Strengthening Bangladesh’s RMG Sector
  • Universal access to healthcare

  • Health, nutrition and population
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene
  • Pro-poor urban development

  • Urban development
  • Investing in the nest generation

  • Education
  • Youth platform
  • Impact Stories

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    A Brighter Future — For Cambodia’s Children
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco nisi reprehenderit in voluptate.