Children of disaster prone areas distorts to a great extent during the natural disasters. This critical issue in terms of future cohort carefully observes by GUS and initiates child centers in prior spots. At the same time, child protection and their development are cross cutting themes that GUS incorporated into all of its activities.
GUS has its own training facility for accommodating the participants on training. The trainings outlined offer various courses which are run by experts on the courses offered. The capacity building training has seen the organization being in the forefront in strengthening institution through capacity building in the eradication of poverty. GUS has many fully developed training programs that can be taught by GUS trainers. Programs currently available are: Good Governance, Human Rights, Women and Child Rights, Gender Equality, Small Arms, Training of Trainers–Basics, Training of Trainers on Advocacy, Organizational Management, etc.
Improve livelihood options of the poor people through empowering and ensuring participation of women into income generation and development activities.